Slow Stadium Serial Shaker Workout

This workout has its name for a very good reason: if you move at a slower pace, I can guarantee you that you will be shaking by the end of it. The goal of this workout is to build muscle while burning fat which leads me to say how important it is to not move fast and keep moving at a slower consistent pace. If you move through this workout at a faster pace, you will be in cardio zone four or five for more than 15 consecutive minutes which will lead to your body burning muscle as opposed to only fat.

Another reason I love this workout is because it’s more than just slimming + toning legs and butt building. That other reason is the impact is has on the core. Engage your abs by pulling in your abs to your belly button throughout the workout to improve core stability, strength, and tone up those abs. If you are looking to add an upper body element, incorporate tricep dips and push ups for that extra upper body tone.


  • Start at one end of the stadium

    • alternate staircases between climbing each stair & every other stair

      • climb up first staircase per single stair

      • jog/walk down

      • climb up next staircase per every other stair

      • jog/walk down

    • rotate through this circuit to the next stair set

      • alternating front lunges

      • right lateral squat walk

      • left lateral squat walk

    • Go through the entire circuit AT LEAST 4 times